Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Minecraft Challenges

So, today I'm going to be writing about challenges you can do in Minecraft. Most of these are in survival

Hardcore challenge - this one's pretty self explanatory. you set your gamemode to hardcore and try to survive at least one day.

Nether challenge - start on creative, build a nether portal, and go instantly to survival mode, break everything, and try to get back to the overworld

Mountain challenge - this works well in worlds with mountains. Go to creative, fly to the top of a mountain, and change to survival. It is a challenge because supplies are limited on mountains, often having few trees.

Ender dragon - this one is very self-explanatory.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Things to do during quarantine

Almost everyone in the world is in quarantine right now, and probably bored out of their minds. That's why I found some things to do during quarantine.

  1. Read books
    1. Re-read some of the books you haven't read in a while. Maybe you'll notice something new about them!
  2. Watch movies
    1. Watch movies on Netflix, Hulu, or just any type!
  3. Craft something
    1. With so much time on your hands, you could make a masterpiece!
  4. Do Art
    1. Same as above, except 2 dimensional instead of 3
  5. Go on a walk (away from other people)
    1. Go on a walk into a forest or somewhere similar, where it's not as likely to see other people. Just don't get lost!
  6. Look at quarantine memes!
    1. No explanation needed
  7. Play games
    1. Any kind! Board games, video games, mind games, you name it!
  8. Hang out with your family
That's all I can think of right now!
Maybe i'll make a part 2

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Ice show (part 2)

So, in one of my earlier posts I said I was doing the ice show, and yesterday I found out what my synchronized skating theme is, and it is amazing! I'm doing star wars for the theme, and the costumes look like storm troopers! Also the music is the star wars main theme.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Swim meet

I have a swim meet this weekend at St. Kate's. I am swimming two races, 100 breast & 100 back crawl. I am probably not going to place very high, but I still like trying. Last year, my team drew with permanent marker on each other while we were waiting for our race. I hope I have a good race!