Friday, June 30, 2017

End of June

Basketball camp ended last week. We had three hours of hard work and three hours of fun (a the same time). We got popsicles each day. It was fun and we got basketball camp shirts. It's a little too big for me right now.

VBS was fun. Water day was also very fun. At water day we didn't get as wet as I expected. I had to wear a wet t-shirt around my neck and carry a sponge over my head but neither got me very wet.

On the weekend we saw the Lion King Jr. It was even more fun. The first one we tried to go to it started raining and storming and we had to run home and I was so tired. We tried the next day indoors.

This week is drama camp. It is a lot of fun. It ends today. I am very very very dad. We get to do a performance in front of our parents which will be fun to show all we've learned. The camp was introduction to improv. There are snacks today. Yum.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Beginning of summer

For memorial day weekend we went to Oma and Opa's. We got to go swimming and I went off the diving board and went down the waterslide. I also got to go to a lot of graduation parties.

After that there teacher meetings and after that my best friend in the entire world came. We went to conquer Ninja warrior, tamarack nature center, the children's museum, punch pizza, hyland park,and lots of playgrounds. We also played Minecraft, made movies, and did a play.

Last week was camp Omega. I got a lot of early mornings and a lot of late nights. Also every night we got to do a campfire where we sang songs and worshiped the Lord. We also played a game called missionary where it was more of a simulation that we were trapped in a country where Christianity was not allowed and we tried not to be captured. We got captured anyway and talked people out of capturing us by telling then about the Lord.

We saw my uncles and aunts and both Omas and Opas last weekend.

This week is VBS at my church and basketball camp.